Invisalign: Tips For Taking Care of Your Aligners
So, you’ve been using clear aligners to straighten your teeth? An excellent choice! They’re a popular and effective alternative to traditional braces, with amazing benefits such as comfort, convenience, and discretion. However, to protect them so that they maintain their functional qualities, you must take care of your clear aligners so that they work effectively […]
What are All-On-X Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for missing or damaged teeth. All-On-X dental implants are a specific type of dental implant that offers a unique and comprehensive approach to dental restoration. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what All-On-X dental implants are, how they work, and what makes them […]
What does it mean when your dental insurance expires?
This year is coming to an end, and while your calendar is likely packed with work, social, and family events, we are here to remind you to see your Croydon dentist! Why? Because your dental health benefits are likely to expire at the end of the year. Almost all major health funds have annual policies, […]
Are Wisdom Teeth Extractions Always Necessary?
Wisdom teeth are a mystery to many, and it’s often a question of whether or not they are necessary to be removed. The removal of wisdom teeth depends on various factors, and your dentist in Croydon will be able to advise you on whether or not your wisdom tooth needs to be removed, and perform […]
Will Dental Implants Affect How I Eat?
When patients are exploring missing tooth replacements like dental implants, one of the first questions they’ll ask our dentist in Croydon is how the procedure impacts eating. Here’s what you need to know about eating with dental implants in the short-term and long-term. The good news: dental implant eating restrictions are temporary! Getting dental implants is […]
How Often Do You Need To Do A Dental Check-ups In Croydon?
Many people fall out of routine when it comes to visiting the dentist in Croydon for dental check-ups in Croydon. While we understand that scheduling regular appointments during busy periods can be difficult, we cannot stress enough how important it is to not skip your check-ups. 4 Reasons Why Dentists Recommend Dental Check-Ups Every 6 […]
How Does Invisalign Work?
As far as teeth straightening solutions go, nothing compares to Invisalign when it comes to accessibility, comfort, and minimal disruption to everyday life. It’s no wonder that plenty of people is interested in getting Invisalign in Croydon and all around Melbourne. If you are curious about this modern treatment, here’s everything you need to know about […]
How do I know Dental Implants in Croydon is Best for Me?
If you are exploring your missing tooth replacement options, then you’ve probably heard of dental implants. These popular restorative dental treatments are known as the option that looks and feels most like natural teeth. If you’re wondering whether or not dental implants treatment is the most ideal for your situation, here are a few important […]
How can I improve my oral hygiene?
As most of us know, keeping up with a regular oral hygiene routine is essential for maintaining your oral health. Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease—and can help you keep your teeth as you get older. What many of us don’t realise, is that maintaining oral […]
5 Reasons For Regular Dental Checkup at The Fine Tooth Company
Are you someone who tends to put off scheduling dental appointments? While this is the case for many of our Croydon dental clinic patients, it is certainly not doing you or your health any favours. If you’re due for a dental check-up and need that extra bit of support and encouragement, here’s why Fine Tooth […]