Our cosmetic dental veneers can cover your dental imperfections and transform your smile.
Restore confidence to your smile with composite or porcelain veneers.
Are you self conscious about the appearance of your smile? Our cosmetic dentist at The Fine Tooth Company can cover your dental imperfections and restore and enhance your smile with the high quality dental veneers in Croydon.
Dental Veneers are a type of cosmetic dental treatment designed to cover damaged teeth, they can also be used solely for cosmetic results if your teeth are worn out and you want to refresh your smile. They are a type of porcelain or resin casings that cover the tooth to restore or improve its appearance.
At The Fine Tooth Company, we offer both porcelain (ceramic) veneers in Croydon as well as resin composite veneers.
The Fine Tooth Company was founded by an experienced and dedicated team of dentists with a mission to deliver excellent dental care and customer experience.
We service Melbourne especially Croydon and surrounding suburbs which include but not limited to: Mooroolbark, Croydon Hills, Croydon North, Croydon South, Ringwood, Ringwood East and Kilsyth.